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#2023年初中英语语法知识精讲:常考副词用法归纳| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2023年初中英语语法知识精讲:常考副词用法归纳(1)一、副词ever可用于哪些句型1.主要用于否定句、疑问句、条件句、比较句等,其意大致相当于汉语的“曾经”“以前”等,有时往往有较活的译法。如:Nobody else could ever say such a thing. 没有别人会说这样的话。Please don't ever do that again. 请不要再这样做。Did anybody ever hear of such a thing 谁听见过这样的事 He argued harder than ever.他争论得比过去更加激烈了。She was as interested in music as ever.她对音乐还是像过去那样有兴趣。If you ever visit London, you must come and stay with us. 你要是到伦敦来,一定要到我们这里住住。有时也可hardly, few, little等半否定词连用。如:It hardly ever snows here. 这儿,几乎从不下雪。Very few ever stopped to listen.很少人停下来听。2.在通常情况下,ever(曾经)不用于肯定句中。如:我曾经学过3年吉他。误:I ever studied the guitar for three years: I once studied the guitar for three years.但是,在以下情况,ever 也可用于肯定句:(1) 在修饰“最高级+名词”结构的定语从句中。如:This is the worst cold I ever had. 这是我串过的最严重的感冒。She is the ablest girl I've ever met. 她是我见到过的最有才干的姑娘。(2)具有较强怀疑语气的句子中。如:I wonder if he'd ever stopped to think how I felt. 我不知道他是否曾经想过我的感受。(3)修饰比较级,表示“越来越”“日益”。如:The situation there is becoming ever more complicated.那儿的情况越来越复杂了。(4)表示“总是”“经常”(=always)。如:He is ever ready to find fault. 他老是喜欢挑毛病。这种用法在现代英语中已很少见,通常用 always 代之。用于某些习语,如for ever(永远),ever since(自丛……以来),ever so(非常),ever such(非常)等。二、副词just的6条主要用法注意以下各用法所经常连用的时态和句型:1.表示“刚刚”“刚才”,在英国英语中通常与现在完成时连用,而在美国英语中通常与一般过去时连用。一般要放在动词之前,不能放在句末。如:He(has) just arrived in Japan. 他刚到日本。He (has) just finished his work. 他刚刚做完工作。2.表示“正好”“恰好”(=exactly),后面通常接名词、名词词组或句子。如:It's just my size. 那正是我的尺码。This is just what I wanted. 这正是我所要的。3.表示“现在”“即刻”“马上”,通常用于进行时态。如:Please wait; I'm just finishing the letter. 请稍候,我马上就写完信。4.表示“只是”“不过”(=only),通常与不定式或 for sth 连用。如:He said it just for fun. 他那样说只是好玩。I've come here just to see you. 我专程来此看望你。5.有时表示“刚刚”“没有多余”“没有后备”。如:We just caught the train. 我们刚好赶上火车。I've got just enough money for a cup of coffee. 我的钱刚够买一杯咖啡。这种意思可以用 only来加强。如:There was only just enough light to read by. 亮光刚够看书。I'd only just got into the hath when she phoned.我刚进浴盆,她就打电话来了。6.有时可用作“软化剂”,使表达显得不那么强硬,比较有礼貌。如:Just sign here. 就在这儿签字。Just let me know if you need help.告诉我一声,如果你需要帮助的话。You needn't change. Just come as you are. 你不用换了,就穿着现在穿的衣服来吧。三、all用作副词时三种用法1.表示“完全”“全部”,其后可接形容词、副词、介词短语等。如:I'm all for your plan. 我完全赞成你的计划。She lives all by herself.她一个人生活。The coffee went all over my trousers. 咖啡全洒在我裤子上了。I'm all for pubs being open all day. 我完全赞成酒馆整日营业。2.在口语中修饰形容词或副词,可表示“很”“非常”。如:He was all excited. 他兴奋极了。Now don't get all upset about it. 别为那件事太烦恼了。3.用于“the+比较级”之前,表示“更加”。如:If that is the case. all the better. 如果事实是那样,那就更好了。I feel all the better for that swim. 游泳之后,我感觉更舒服了。四、副词then 的三个主要用法1.用作副词,表示“那时”,可用于过去或将来。如:He was in Paris then. 那是他在巴黎。He will be free then,那时他就会有空了。注:有时可用于某些介词后。如:He will have left by then.到那时他就会已经离开了。From then on he worked harder.从此以后,他工作更努力了。2.表示“然后”、“接着”,通常与连词 and 连用。如:Let's go for a drink and then go home.我们先去喝一杯,然后再回家。He went to Paris. and then to London他到了田黎,后又到了伦敦。注:在口语中有时可不用连词 and 而只用then。另外,有时位于句首,其后用倒装句。如:Then came the day of his exam.接着他考试的那一天到了。3.表示“那么”、“既然是那样”、“这么说来”,通常用于句首或句末。如:You say you don't want to be a teacher. Then what do youwant to be 你说你不想当老师,那么你想干什么呢 Then you mean to say I am a cheat. 那么你的意思是说我是个骗子。注:有时与条件或时间状语从句搭配使用。如:If it's not on the table. then it will be in the drawer.要是不在桌上,那就是抽屉里。When I know what really happened. then I shall be able to decide. 当我知道事实真相后,我就可以作决定了。四、example与动词和介词的五种搭配1.表示给某人举例,一般用动词 give。如:Here I give you some more examples. 这里我再给大家举几个例子。表示“关于……的例子”,其后通常用介词of。如:Below is an example of a business letter下面是一封商业信函的例子。This dictionary has many examples ofhow words are used.这部词典有许多说明词语用法的实例。2.表示树立榜样,一般用 set。如:I rely on you to set a good example. 我全靠你来树立个好榜样。As a teacher, you should learn to set an example with your own conduct.作为一名教师,你应该学会以身作则。若表示给某人树立榜样,其后可接双宾语。如:She has set us a good example. 她为我们树立了好榜样。若双宾语易位,通常用介词to(有时也用介词for)引出间接宾语。如:You should set an example to [for]them.=You should set them an example.你应该给他们树立一个榜样。3.表示学习某人的榜样或照某人的样子,通常用动词 follow 或copy,不要按汉语习惯用动词learn或study。如:He is a good example for us to follow. 他是我们学习的好榜样。I'll show you how to hit the ball and then you must follow [copy] my example. 我先做给你看如何击球,然后你必须照我的示范去做。4. for example 意为“例如”,用作插入语,在句中位置比较灵活。如:Great men have risen from poverty-Lincoln and Edison. for example.大人物往往出身贫寒,例如林肯和爱迪生。There are many big cities in Europe,for example, London, Paris and Rome.欧洲有许多大城市,如伦敦、巴黎和罗马。用for example 举例时,所举之例通常是词或短语,但有时也可以是句子。如:Each situation is different For example. a man with a rich wife doesn't have to work情况各有不同,例如,那了有钱妻子的男人就不必工作。Many young people are taking radio courses in English.There is the boy next door, for example.许多年轻人在学广播英语课程,比如隔壁那个男孩就是。5.与动词take连用,表示“以……为例”,可以有多种搭配形式。如:Take my case for an example.以我的情况为例。Take our factory as an example. The vice-manager was a worker.就童我们厂来说吧,副厂长曾是一名工人。A lot of women manage to bring up families and go out to work at the same time-take Angela, for example.很多女子既能料理家务同时又外出工作--譬如安杰拉,就是个例子。






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